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Boss Moms: 10 Melanated, Magical & Motivated Mommies You Need To Know

HUEISH:  Melanated Motivated Mommies series highlights mulitcultural mommies. These moms are modern-day women of different cultures and ethnicities balancing all that’s on their plate- including raising the loving leaders of tomorrow. Each mom shares their real-life journey, lessons, and tips to us.  

We have spotted a few multicultural mommies on Instagram that share amazing advice on how to being a mom and still striving for more!

We talked to a few moms about their choice to be entrepreneurs and how they manage being dynamo moms and badass bosses all at the same time.

Crystal Green, Founder of

Mother of: 2

What keeps you motivated? 

The thought of not being who I set out to be, the alternative of successful. That’s scary for me to think about, so I work hard so that I don’t have to.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur?

I work as much as I can throughout the day, even if it’s while the kids are eating or doing a part of their school lesson that doesn’t require my assistance. Sometimes I’ll pop on their favorite tv show for a while. Sometimes I’ll sneak in some work during our Friday movie night. Most of the time, my work really starts when they’re in bed and goes until 2 or 3 am. Then I rest and wake up and do it again.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs?

Don’t stop. You’re quite possibly going to be the first example that your babies have of someone who didn’t stop pursuing their dreams as the world tries to force them into that corporate box. And because you’ll likely be telling them to never give up, I think they’ll take it better from you if they see that you kept going. My hope is that my children will one day understand that mommy worked hard to be that example for them even when she was exhausted and when coffee just wasn’t enough.

Toiia L. Rukuni, Mother of the World 

Mother of: 2

What keeps me motivated?

Standing on God’s promises, creating a legacy for my children, and being exactly who God created me to be!

How do you balance motherhood and entrepreneurship?

I try to find my own sense of balance, but this year my plan was to be more present in my children’s lives while working on advancing my business and taking things to the next level. This works by staying in massive prayer, taking tons of action on both my personal and business goals and not compromising my time to be with family or handle my work responsibilities within a given space of time.

What advice would you give to fellow mompreneurs?

Don’t compare your journey with someone else’s journey. What God has for you, HE has for you and never give up!

Kiedra Tyson, Kiedra Tyson PR and Marketing Firm

Mother of: 1

What keeps you motivated?

The fact that I want to leave something great behind for my son.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur? 

A lot of sleepless nights, sacrifice and making time even when there isn’t time.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs?

You are not alone, we are a community. It is a hard job, but remember who or what you are doing it for.

Eva Jane, The Makeup Bullet™ HiDef Cosmetic Finger Sponge

Mother of: 5

What keeps me motivated?

Being an example for my children of how perseverance in pursuit of a dream yields success. I want to leave a legacy of not just business success but limitless thinking.

How do you balance being a mom and an entrepreneur?

I am blessed to have a supportive husband who encourages me to pursue my dreams and we make sure that our household is taken care of and that we have one another’s back as well.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs?

Never compare how you “Mom” with how someone else does it. We were given the children we have because “WE”  were meant to raise them. We have a special touch that no one else does and can teach our children lessons no one else can so there should be no guilt and no shame. Your children see your passion and work ethic and they will praise you all of their days for your strength and courage to embark on this gloriously unpredictable roller-coaster called entrepreneurship!

Meelah Grace, Meelah Grace Development

Mother of: 1

What keeps you motivated? 

I am personally motivated by our family’s goals – not just the short term but long term as well.  These goals allow me to remain focused and make better decisions regarding the business.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur? 

I realize that it is not so much a balancing act but rather blending them together.  It won’t always be 50/50.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs?

Invest in yourself — not only professionally but personally as well. It is OK to take time out for YOU. Celebrate your successes — no matter how small. Trust your gut. Be willing to partner and collaborate with other Mammas. Ask for help when you need it! Stay in ALIGNMENT.  When you fall out of alignment things become more and more difficult for you.

Maleeka Hollaway, The Official Maleeka Group, LLC. (The OMG)

Mother of: 1

What keeps you motivated?

My motivation comes from knowing that my daughter is always watching me! She says she wants to “do” her own business like me when she gets “grown.” I know that as long as she is watching me, I have to deliver! I have to show her that having a job and working is not the only aspect of life. In addition, I get to show her that education is just as important as running a business and having fun because I am in doctoral school. She sees her mommy working, playing, studying and relaxing. She thinks I’m superwoman!

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur?

I create harmony between the two rather than balance. Balance suggests that something has to lack in order for something else to flourish. I set a timeline for everything in my day — from working on client projects to doing homework and watching a movie with my daughter to just taking a moment to unplug from it all. I schedule my day in a way that makes me have to take a step back and see what is a priority, what is important and what can wait until later. Scheduling my day keeps me from feeling guilty from sometimes working long days or having to take business trips away from my child. She gets me as much as everyone else does, and sometimes more.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs?

Focus on the beautiful aspects of entrepreneurship when it comes to parenting. You get the freedom and flexibility to be present when most parents have to sacrifice to take off. Pay attention to your child’s questions. They will need a little more of your attention from time to time so find ways to incorporate them into your business. They’ll get to see what you really do and they’ll feel apart, therefore, “letting mommy work alone” won’t seem so much as a burden anymore.

Lydia Elle, Musician

Mother of: 1

What keeps you motivated?

I want to teach my daughter to be committed to her dreams, so each day I get up and go after my own.  I can only lead by example.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur?

The balance for me is devoting my attention and time to what I am doing at that moment instead of trying to handle more than one thing and not completing anything well.  When it comes to quality time with my daughter, I make sure that my phone is away and she has my undivided attention.  She is very committed to my life now and sees that the sacrifices we make now are lining us up for the life we want to live later.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs? 

Enjoy the journey as much as the desired destination.  Take your moments to be with your children totally and communicate the goals and desires so that it becomes a family affair.  Most importantly, be sure to take care of yourself.  Filling yourself up with whatever your soul needs to stay full, so that you are not pouring from an empty cup (which teaches a bad message to our children) and, thus, not having anything to give anyone at all, including your children.

Pilar Scratch, Editor in chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine

Mother of: 1

What keeps you motivated?

My son is what keeps me motivated. Knowing I have a little person looking up at me and watching my every move is motivating.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur?

I find equilibrium in being a mother and an entrepreneur by incorporating my child in my companies. From my experience, he’s gaining a tremendous amount of insight into how to run a business and be his own boss.

What is the best advice you have for fellow mompreneurs?

The best advice I can give mompreneurs is to include your child. It makes your job easier.

Monifa Coffee, Editor in Chief/CEOTXTURE Magazine

How many children do you have? 1

What keeps you motivated?

My daughter motivates me every day. She asks how my days go, how my meetings went, etc. This little Queen was making magazine sales on her tablet to family & friends when Txture first dropped.

How do you balance being a mother and an entrepreneur? 

I treat the business like a 9-5 (even though it’s a 9-9) and make sure I’m available for homework, violin and all of her creative situations. I have to schedule out mommy and me time daily. So we are always watching a show together or drawing together. You never want them to feel like you DON’T have any time for them.

What advice do you have for fellow mompreneurs? 

Create a balance that works for you, make time for work, make time for your children and most importantly, make time for you! Be sure to build a tribe of supportive people that can help you, especially if you have to travel frequently. There will be times that you will miss some important moments, but grooming your children at an early age to know the importance of entrepreneurship will better prepare them to fully understand what your career responsibilities are, plus it assists in their independence and overall success for the future.

Aren’t these moms amazing? Be sure to let us know about mommy’s we should know in the comments below.
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