17 Year Old creates Beauty Box To Inspire Young Women of Color

Considering people of color are still oftentimes misrepresented in mainstream media from tv and radio to books and magazines, it is easy for kids and teens to fall victim to those views.
Black Butterfly Beautiful, is a subscription box created by 17-year-old Journi Prewitt to empower, uplift, and encourage young people of color to embrace who they are. These boxes are sent monthly and curated based on subscriber age, gender and the month’s theme featuring books and other accessories from black-owned brands to help address under-representation, uncover black history, and provide inspiration.

Butterfly Baby Box – Ages 4-7

Butterfly Baby Box Ages 4-7

Butterfly Tweens Box – Ages 8-12

Butterfly Tweens Box Ages 8-12

Butterfly Teens – Ages 14-19

Butterfly Teens Ages 14-19
You can review past subscription boxes here (https://blackbutterflybeautiful.com/pages/past-boxes-1)
Facebook: Black Butterfly Beautiful
IG: @blckbfly
Twitter: @BlckBFly
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